eidos regularly organises philosophical events gathering people from all over the world, and its members meet every week during the academic terms (on Tuesdays from 16:15 to 17:45 in Geneva, Uni Philosophes, room PHIL204) to discuss their current research or the research of invited philosophers.
eidos weekly meetings
- Elisa Ballabio: Idealized Models, Morphisms, and the Quest for Realism: A Trilemma, 11 March 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia, 18 March 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Eidos Talk: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig), 25 March 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Alessandro Cecconi, 1 April 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Dirk Franken (Fribourg), 8 April 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Tibo Rushbrooke (Oxford), 15 April 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Eidos Talk: Bryan Pickel (Glasgow), 29 April 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Andrea Lupo (Lugano), 6 May 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Florian Gatignon, 13 May 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
The weekly seminar is organized by Lisa Vogt and Annica Vieser.
Fall 2024
Past meetings
Spring 2025
- Eidos Talk: Gurpreet Rattan (Toronto), Omnipresence and Skepticism about the De Se, 18 February 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Eidos Talk: Catharine Diehl (Leiden), Persistence for the Permanentist, 4 March 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
Fall 2024
- Eidos Talk: Zee Perry (Birmingham), Laws as Relations Between Quantities, 24 September 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Ryan Miller: Feynman Diagrams as a Model of Potential Parthood, 1 October 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Alessandro Cecconi: A Chair for Minkowski (joint work with Claudio Calosi and Damiano Costa), 8 October 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Eidos Talk: David Builes (Princeton), Rationalist Plenitude, 15 October 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Eidos Talk: Robert Trueman (York), Fregean Predication, 22 October 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Florian Gatignon: How Many of You Are There?, 29 October 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Carla Peri, Thick Haecceities: Metaphysical Individuation and Higher-Order Necessitism, 12 November 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Maria Nørgaard, Do Quantum Systems Persist?, 19 November 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Markel Kortabarria, Grounding physicalism and the new challenge of consciousness, 26 November 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Annica Vieser, Persistence and Personal Time, 3 December 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
- Marco Marabello, Sidellean Conventionalism and Realism, 10 December 2024, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva
Spring 2024
- Alex Moran (Fribourg): Contingent Grounding Physicalism, 14 May 2024, Geneva
- Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt (FU Berlin): Haecceitism Untethered, 7 May 2024, Geneva
- Riccardo Baratella (Genoa): Perdurantism, Common-sense, and Reconciliatory Strategies, 30 April 2024, Geneva
- Tim Riedel: Are There Kripkean Necessary A Priori Truths, Really?, 23 April 2024, Geneva
- Robert Michels: A Partial Defence of the Property View of Predicates, 16 April 2024, Geneva
- Patrik Engisch (Geneva): Locked-in and Expandable Creative Domains, 9 April 2024, Geneva
- Andrea Lupo: Immanence and Self-instantiation, 26 March 2024, Geneva
- Lisa Vogt: Upwards Essence, 19 March 2024, Geneva
- Alessandro Cecconi: To Be Done With All This Measuring of Truth, 12 March 2024, Geneva
- Vincent Grandjean: Indeterminate Personal Identity, 5 March 2024, Geneva
- Simon Evnine (Miami): The Human Being in the Age of Biological Reproduction, 27 February 2024, Geneva
- Claudio Calosi: Reasons for Regions, 19 December 2023, Geneva
- Philip Goyal (Albany): 'Dissolving Zeno’s paradox of motion via Complementarity Property Models of Observations, 12 December 2023, Geneva
- Alyssa Ney (UC Davis): The Fundamentality of Physics, 5 December 2023, Geneva
- Lorenzo Cocco: Modern Physics Is Platonic, 28 November 2023, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Location by Proxy, 21 November 2023, Geneva
- Ryan Miller: Looking for Levels, 14 November 2023, Geneva
- Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette (Neuchâtel): Deliberation and the Possibility of Skepticism, 31 October 2023, Geneva
- Jan Plate: Towards an Ontology of States and Roles, 17 October 2023, Geneva
- Alessandro Cecconi: Proper Parthood Matters, 10 October 2023, Geneva
- Robert Michels: Ways of Being Wise II – Ultimate Wisdom, 3 October 2023, Geneva
- Florian Fischer (Siegen): Dynamicity, 26 September 2023, Geneva
- L. A. Paul: Reverse Engineering a Self, 11 May 2023, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Factual Equivalence—One-Sided vs Two-Sided, 4 May 2023, Geneva
- Giuliano Torrengo: The Passage of Time, 27 April 2023, Geneva
- Giovanni Merlo: Against Two-Faced Eternalism, 20 April 2023, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: Plato's Early Ontology of Affections, 6 April 2023, Geneva
- Jacopo Giraldo: Geometry and Measure of Spatial Extension, 30 March 2023, Geneva
- Lorenzo Cocco: From Physics to Platonism, 23 March 2023, Geneva
- Salim Hirèche: On Reducing Kinds of Modality to Kinds of Essence, 16 March 2023, Geneva
- Damiano Costa and Alessandro Giordani: Raven on Aristotelian Universals, 9 March 2023, Geneva
- Robert Michels: Ways of Being Wise, 2 March 2023, Geneva
- Jan Plate: Relations and Roles, 23 February 2023, Geneva
- Kathrin Koslicki and Olivier Massin: On the Substantive Nature of Definitional Disputes, 15 December 2022, Geneva
- Ryan Miller: Lonerganian Emergence, 8 December 2022, Geneva
- Tim Riedel: Nobody Understands Relational Quantum Mechanics, 1 December 2022, Geneva
- Cristian López: Relational Primitivism about the Direction of Time, 17 November 2022, Geneva
- Cody Gilmore, Location. Five Definitional Systems---Excerpt from Cody Gilmore, Claudio Calosi and Damiano Costa, Location and Mereology (SEP); Discussants: Matt Leonard, Damiano Costa., 27 October 2022, Geneva
- Michael Esfeld: The Metaphysics of Cartesian Science, 13 October 2022, Geneva
- Jonas Werner: Partial Grounding, Identity, and Nothing-Over-and-Aboveness, 6 October 2022, Geneva
- Jan Plate: State-Based Metaphysics, 29 September 2022, Geneva
- Martin Glazier: Things and Their Aspects, 22 September 2022, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: Being is Not a Genus: Aristotle's Arguments, 19 May 2022, Geneva
- Vera Hoffmann-Kolss: Three Kinds of Causal Indeterminacy, 12 May 2022, Geneva
- Joshua Babic and Lorenzo Cocco: Mandersian Relationism: Space, Modality and Equivalence, 5 May 2022, Geneva
- Karol Lenart: Essentialism and de re representation, 28 April 2022, Geneva
- Valentina Luporini: On Parsons' Quasi-Concrete Objects, 14 April 2022, Geneva
- Artūrs Logins: The paradox of graded justification, 7 April 2022, Geneva
- Robert Michels: History of Essence: Contemporary (Analytic), 31 March 2022, Geneva
- Antonio Freiles: Exact Containment and Existential Dependence, 24 March 2022, Geneva
- Gonzalo Rodríguez-Pereyra: On Resemblance Nominalism and Modal Realism, 17 March 2022, Geneva
- Baptiste Le Bihan: Trouble on the Horizon for Presentism (joint work with Sam Baron), 10 March 2022, Geneva
- Olivier Massin: Physical Efforts, 3 March 2022, Geneva
- Ralf Bader: Grounding, Reduction and Analysis, 24 February 2022, Geneva
- Martin Glazier: Symmetry and Ground, 16 December 2021, Geneva
- Valentina Luporini: On Maddy's Concrete and Perceivable Sets, 9 December 2021, Geneva
- Ryan Miller: Artifacts: Ontology as Easy as it Gets, 2 December 2021, Geneva
- Marco Marabello and Maria Scarpati: Individual Essence and Modality, 25 November 2021, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Obligation and Fixity, 18 November 2021, Geneva
- Special session from the workshop The Nature of Quantum Objects, 11 November 2021, Geneva
- Jonas Werner: Potentialism and S5, 28 October 2021, Geneva
- Robert Michels: From Intersubjective Correspondence to the Counterpart Relation, 21 October 2021, Geneva
- Erica Shumener: Physicalism as a Nomic Thesis, 14 October 2021, Geneva
- Lorenzo Cocco: Scientific Realism and Mathematical Objects, 7 October 2021, Geneva
- Kathrin Koslicki: Modality and Essence in Contemporary Metaphysics, 27 May 2021, Zoom
- Riccardo Baratella: Towards a Hylomorphic Account of Processes and Events, 20 May 2021, Zoom
- Jonas Werner: From Essences to Gradual Modal Natures, 13 May 2021, Zoom
- Amanda Bryant: Grounding Interventionism, 6 May 2021, Zoom
- Alessandro Torza: Metaphysical Supervaluationism: Evans' Revenge, 29 April 2021, Zoom
- Christian Wüthrich and Vincent Lam: Laws beyond spacetime, 22 April 2021, Zoom
- Claudio Calosi and Alessandro Giordani: How To Build Things from Atoms, 15 April 2021, Zoom
- Alberto Corti and Daniele Garancini: The Problems of Analytic Philosophy, 25 March 2021, Zoom
- Gonzalo Rodríguez-Pereyra: Two Arguments for the PII, 18 March 2021, Zoom
- Tobias Wilsch: Logicism about Necessity, 11 March 2021, Zoom
- Alex Skiles and Kelly Trogdon: Should explanation be a guide to ground?, 4 March 2021, Zoom
- David Kovacs: Against the Status Response to the Argument from Vagueness, 25 February 2021, Zoom
- Valentina Luporini: Why Socrates necessarily and essentially belongs to his singleton, 17 December 2020, Zoom
- Ryan Miller: The Genuinely Aristotelian Answer to the Problem of Material Constitution, 10 December 2020, Zoom
- Vera Hoffmann-Kolss: Interventionism and Non-causal Dependence Relations: New Work for a Theory of Supervenience, 3 December 2020, Zoom
- Antoine Taillard: On Some Counterexamples to Strong Composition as Identity, 26 November 2020, Zoom
- Donnchadh O'Conaill: Substances as Definitionally Primitive Entities, 19 November 2020, Zoom
- Paolo Natali: Was Bolzano a Realist about Universals?, 12 November 2020, Zoom
- Fabrice Correia: Entire Location, 29 October 2020, Geneva
- Giovanni Merlo: Cross-Temporal Grounding, 22 October 2020, Geneva
- Soufiane Hamri: Fundamentality and Independent Existence, 15 October 2020, Geneva
- Philipp Blum and Patrik Engisch: Thetism, 8 October 2020, Geneva
- David Schroeren: Why quantum states are vectors, not rays, 1 October 2020, Geneva
- Bruno Jacinto: Bridge Principles and Purely Epistemic Norms, 28 May 2020, Zoom
- Damiano Costa & Alessandro Cecconi: Fine's Monster Objection, 14 May 2020, Zoom
- Karol Lenart: Possible Worlds: Modal Realism and Actualism, 30 April 2020, Zoom
- Jonas Waechter: On the Existential Dependency of Ephemerals, 23 April 2020, Zoom
- Salim Hirèche: Relativized Essentialism about Modality, 9 April 2020, Zoom
- Soufiane Hamri: Naturalism and Theism on the Balance of Causality, 2 April 2020, Zoom
- Benjamin Neeser: All Problems of Change Must Pass, 26 March 2020, Zoom
- Salim Hirèche, Niels Linnemann, Robert Michels and Lisa Vogt: The Strong Arm of the Law, 19 March 2020, Zoom
- Giovanni Merlo: Russellian Monism and Two Varieties of Grounding, 12 March 2020, Geneva
- Vera Hoffmann-Kolss: Interventionism and Non-causal Dependence Relations: New Work for a Theory of Supervenience CANCELLED, 5 March 2020, Geneva
- Maria Scarpati: Unity Relations, 27 February 2020, Geneva
- Vincent Grandjean: Bare Particulars to the Rescue of GBT, 20 February 2020, Geneva
- Claudio Calosi & Juliusz Doboszewski: Quantum Monism & Monogamy of Entanglement, 19 December 2019, Geneva
- Salim Hirèche: Grounding, Necessity and Blockers, 12 December 2019, Geneva
- Joshua Babic & Lorenzo Cocco: Plural Logic is Mereosemantics, 5 December 2019, Geneva
- Peter Simons: Tropes: The Complete Story, 28 November 2019, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: Bolzano's Realism about Properties, 21 November 2019, Geneva
- Lisa Vogt: Nominalist Dispositionalism Revisited, 14 November 2019, Geneva
- Nick Zangwill: Carnap, Ontology and Categories: Burial and Praise (at 10:45 in Espace Battelle, part of the 2019 LG2C conference on Kinds - in Philosophy and Its History), 31 October 2019, Geneva
- Donnchadh O'Conaill: The Problems of Universals, 24 October 2019, Geneva
- Benjamin Neeser: Stages in Spacetime. The Language of Persistence, 17 October 2019, Geneva
- François Pellet: A Definition of a Definition of Disease, 10 October 2019, Geneva
- Soufiane Hamri: Causal Fundamentality, 3 October 2019, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Grounding and Fundamentality, 26 September 2019, Geneva
- Robert Michels: On Objectual Understanding and Essence, 23 May 2019, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: The Language of Doxa and Appearance, 16 May 2019, Geneva
- Barry Smith (University of Buffalo): Dialogue Beats the Turing Test, 9 May 2019, Geneva
- Vincent Grandjean: A Model for the Open Future, 2 May 2019, Geneva
- Cristian Mariani (University of Milan): Derivative Metaphysical Indeterminacy & Indeterministic Grounding, 18 April 2019, Geneva
- Pablo Carnino: Grounding in the Philosophy of Science, 11 April 2019, Geneva
- Stephen Neale (CUNY Graduate Center): Does the Principle of Compositionality Have Any Content, 4 April 2019, Geneva
- Lorenzo Cocco: The Criterion of Commitment, 28 March 2019, Geneva
- Baptiste Le Bihan: From String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity to Eternalism, 21 March 2019, Geneva
- Tiziano Ferrando: Real Patterns and the Metaphysics of Information, 14 March 2019, Geneva
- Joshua Babic: A System of Axioms for Minkowski Spacetime, 7 March 2019, Geneva
- Dominik Aeschbacher: A Definition of Essence, 28 February 2019, Geneva
- Jonas Waechter: Existence Primitivism, 21 February 2019, Geneva
- Jan Plate: Purely Qualitative Properties and Relations, 20 December 2018, Geneva
- Maria Scarpati: Metaphysical Haecceitism: Arguments for a Theory, 6 December 2018, Geneva
- Joshua Babic and Lorenzo Cocco: A Note on Dasgupta's Generalism, 29 November 2018, Geneva
- Ernesto Perini-Santos (UFMG, Brazil): A Positive Argument for Unarticulated Constituents, 22 November 2018, Geneva
- Alex Skiles (University of Gothenburg): Essence, Modality and Identity, 15 November 2018, Geneva
- Robert Michels: Multidimensional Vagueness, 1 November 2018, Geneva
- Philipp Blum: Being Without Foundations, 25 October 2018, Geneva
- Kelly Trogdon (Virginia Tech): Full and Partial Ground, 18 October 2018, Geneva
- Donnchadh O'Conaill (University of Fribourg): Quantum Holism and Mutual Dependence, 11 October 2018, Geneva
- Mauro Dorato (University of Rome 3): Presentism and Eternalism as Stances, 5 October 2018, Geneva
- Claudio Calosi and Damiano Costa: Eagle on Multilocation, 27 September 2018, Geneva
- Christina Conroy (Morehead University): Deviant Dependence and Entanglement, 31 May 2018, Geneva
- Salim Hireche: Relativised Essentialism, 24 May 2018, Geneva
- Robert Michels: Untitled, 17 May 2018, Geneva
- Moritz Baron: Can Williamson's Counterfactual-based Epistemology of Modality Explain our Knowledge of Mathematical Necessity?, 10 May 2018, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: Bolzano on Definition and the Paradox of Analysis, 3 May 2018, Geneva
- Donnchadh O'Conaill (University of Fribourg): Against Universalism, 26 April 2018, Geneva
- Stephen Mumford (Durham University): Are There Negative Kinds?, 19 April 2018, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Unfreezing the Spotlight (joint work with Sven Rosenkranz), 12 April 2018, Geneva
- Vincent Grandjean: How is the asymmetry between the open future and the fixed past to be characterized?, 29 March 2018, Geneva
- Ghislain Guigon: The Age of Trickery, 22 March 2018, Geneva
- Giuliano Torrengo and Cristian Mariani (University of MIlan): Against Quantum Mechanical Objections to Metaphysical Supervaluationism, 15 March 2018, Geneva
- Philipp Blum: Being, Totality and the Transcendentals, 8 March 2018, Geneva
- Lisa Vogt: Dispositional Essentialism and the Connection between Essence, Grounding and Fundamentality, 1 March 2018, Geneva
- Karen Crowther: When Do We Stop Digging? Conditions on a Fundamental Theory of Physics, 22 February 2018, Geneva
- Jonas Waechter (University of Bristol): In Defense of Ordinary Objects and a Naturalistic Answer to the Special Composition Question, 21 December 2017, Geneva
- Philipp Blum: Essence and Existence, 14 December 2017, Geneva
- Paolo Natali: States of Affairs in Aristotle, Categories 12, 7 December 2017, Geneva
- Benjamin Neeser: Stages in Spacetime, 30 November 2017, Geneva
- Nathan Davies: Negative Truths, Falsehoods, Quantification and Denial, 27 November 2017, Lugano
- eidos 10 years anniversary celebration, 23 November 2017, Geneva
- Pablo Carnino: Humean Laws, Circularity and Contrastivity, 16 November 2017, Geneva
- Dominik Aeschbacher: Grounding as a four-place relation, 2 November 2017, Geneva
- Baptiste Le Bihan: How To Travel Light into the Non-Spatial: Space Emergence in an Ontological Flat World, 26 October 2017, Geneva
- Robert Michels: No Title, 19 October 2017, Geneva
- Maria Scarpati: Metaphysical Haecceitism and the Individuals Assumption, 12 October 2017, Geneva
- Joe Gough: Still no argument for causal exclusion, 11 October 2017, Lugano
- Jonas Werner: Immediate Grounding, Dense Grounding and the Layered Structure of Reality, 5 October 2017, Geneva
- Francesco Berto (University of Amsterdam): Parthood and Identity in a Structural World, 29 September 2017, Geneva
- Brendan Balcerak Jackson (University of Miami), Semantics as a Guide to Ground, 31 May 2017, Geneva
- Tobias Wahlberg (University of Lund): Causal Powers and Social Ontology, 24 May 2017, Neuchâtel
- Ulrich Meyer (Colgate University): The Banach-Tarski Paradox, 24 May 2017, Neuchâtel
- Philipp Blum: Contingent Necessary Truths, 17 May 2017, Geneva
- Dominik Aeschbacher: Essence, Ground and the Paradox of Analysis, 10 May 2017, Neuchâtel
- Paolo Natali: Priority, Truth-Making and States of Affairs in Aristotle, Categories 12, 3 May 2017, Geneva
- Vincent Grandjean: A Temporal Asymmetry, 26 April 2017, Neuchâtel
- Robert Michels: Metaphysical Indeterminacy as Indeterminate Actuality, 12 April 2017, Geneva
- Benjamin Neeser: Persistence and Explanation, 5 April 2017, Neuchâtel
- Alex Steinberg (University of Zurich): Pleonastic Propositions and the Face Value Theory, 29 March 2017, Geneva
- Claudio Calosi: Enduring Problems of Location, 22 March 2017, Neuchâtel
- Damiano Costa: Six Ways of Being in Time, 15 March 2017, Geneva
- Jan Plate: Basic Positionalism, 8 March 2017, Neuchâtel
- Ghislain Guigon: Structural Parsimony, 1 March 2017, Geneva
- Fabrice Correia: Real Definitions, 21 December 2016, Neuchâtel
- Wlodek Rabinowicz: Incommensurability meets risk, 14 December 2016, Geneva
- Claudio Calosi & Ghislain Guigon: The Many as Modes of the Wave, 7 December 2016, Neuchâtel
- Donnchadh O’Connaill: What is it to be F?, 30 November 2016, Geneva
- Antony Eagle: Supendurantism, 23 November 2016, Neuchâtel
- Paolo Natali: The Impossible is Possible: Formalising a Positively Medieval Fallacy, 16 November 2016, Geneva
- Robert Michels: Essentiality and the Grounding of Truth, 2 November 2016, Geneva
- Benjamin Neeser: Objects, Persons, and Powers, 26 October 2016, Geneva
- Philipp Blum: Processes and Changes, 19 October 2016, Neuchâtel
- Corine Besson: A Note on MacFarlane's Relativism about Future Contingents, 12 October 2016, Geneva
- Jan Plate: Intrinsic Properties and Relations, 5 October 2016, Neuchâtel
- Michael Clark: Derivative Grounding, 28 September 2016, Geneva
- Giovanni Merlo: The Subjective Grounds of Consciousness, 21 September 2016, Neuchâtel
eidos events
- Workshop: Locating Parts and Wholes, 30 May, Geneva
- Workshop: The First Person, 18-20 June, Geneva
- Eidos-Neuchâtel Workshop: Emilie Pagano (Vienna) and Will Sharp, 25 February 2025, Neuchâtel
- Workshop: Approaches to Hyperintensionality, Geneva, 12-13 September 2024.
- Workshop: New Trends in the Philosophy of Persistence, Geneva, 20-21 June 2024.
- Summer school: A Summer School with Kit Fine, Ligerz/Gléresse, 7-14 June 2023.
- Talk: Murat Sariyar (Bern University of Applied Sciences), "Formal Ontologies, Identity and Identification - Applying (analytical) philosophy for real-world problems", Geneva, Tuesday 9 May 2023.
- Workshop: Location, Location, Location, Geneva, 26 October 2022.
- Workshop: Modalities in Science: Metaphysical Perspectives, Geneva, 31 August - 1 September 2022.
- Workshop: Truthmaker Semantics: What, What for and How?, Geneva, 19-20 June 2022.
- Winter school: The Logic in Philosophy of Science (organised by Joshua Babic for the SGSLPS), Geneva, 8-10 March 2022.
- Workshop: Relevance, Explanation, and Ground (co-organised with Stephan Krämer, Hamburg and Peter Verdée, UCLouvain), online, 17 September 2021
- Workshop: Identity in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science, Lugano (online), 6 June 2021
- Workshop: Appearance and Reality, 25 - 29 November 2020
- Workshop: Identity, Lugano, 7 - 8 March 2020 CANCELLED
- Workshop: Basically. Fundamentality and Beyond, Neuchâtel, 11 December 2019
- Workshop: Quantities, Lugano, 16 - 17 November 2019
- Workshop: On What Grounds? Grounding, Dependence, and Fundamentality, Geneva, 17 September 2019
- Workshop: Derivativeness and Priority, Lugano, 9 - 10 September 2019
- Summer School: Time after Time, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 2 - 7 September 2019
- Summer School: Recursion Theory and Philosophy, Geneva, 5 - 7 August 2019
- Workshop: New Directions in Metaphysics, Neuchâtel, 12 July 2019
- Workshop: Determinism and Open Choices, Neuchâtel, 12-14 December 2018
- Summer School: Time, Time, Time, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 27 August - 1 September 2018
- Workshop: The Fragmentation of Reality, Lugano, 21-22 July 2018
- Workshop: Fundamentality in Physics and Metaphysics, 29-30 May 2018
- Symposium: The philosophy of Reinach, 30 November - 1 December 2017
- Workshop: Metaphysics sans phrase. 10 years of eidos - the centre for metaphysics, 23-24 November 2017
- Workshop: Quantities and Spacetime, 10 November 2017
- Workshop: Making it (too?) Precise. Ordinary Reasoning, Formalization, and Logical Modelling, 7-8 July 2017
- Conference: Fourth IAPT Meeting, 12-14 June 2017
- 1st eidos graduate winter school in metaphysics: Identity, 3-5 February 2017
- Workshop: The Metaphysics of Quantities, 1-2 February 2017
- Workshop: Kinds of Indeterminacy, 11-12 November 2016
- Workshop: Grounding the Quantum World, 19 September 2016
- Workshop: Haecceitism and Individuals, 26-27 August 2016
- Workshop: Spacetime and Fundamentality, 17 June 2016
- Conference: Ground, Essence & Modality, 8-10 June 2016
- Workshop: Fraser MacBride's The Genealogy of Universals, 7-8 April 2016
- Workshop: Logical and Metaphysical Perspectives on Grounding, 18 September 2015
- Workshop: Existence, Non-Existence and Intentionality (jointly organized with EXRE, Fribourg), 4-5 July 2015
- Workshop: Ground in Biology, 18-20 June 2015
- Conference: Problèmes de premier ordre et de second ordre en métaphysique, 8-10 June 2015
- Conference: Truth and Grounds, 24-29 May 2015
- Workshop: Grounding and Existence, 26-28 September 2014
- Workshop: Grounding and Causation, 18 June 2014
- Conference: Libre arbitre, déterminisme et responsabilité, 12-13 May 2014
- Workshop: Husserl vs Wittgenstein, 9-10 May, 2014
- Workshop: Themes from Baxter II, 31-25 October 2013
- Conference: The Ontology of the Mind, 16-18 September 2013
- Workshop: Laws of Nature, Dispositions, and Natural Modality, 9-10 September 2013
- Conference: Fine Conference, 28 July - 3 August 2013
- Conference: Explanation in Metaphysics, 22-23 June 2013
- Workshop: Metaphysics and Mathematics, 20 June 2013
- Workshop: Location and Mereology, 14 June 2013
- Workshop: Mixtures and Stuff, 6-8 June 2013
- Workshop: CUSO doctoral workshop with Josh Parsons, 27 March 2013
- Workshop: Truth, grounding and metametaphysics, 27-28 October 2012
- Workshop: Perceptual Ephemera, 24-25 September 2012
- Workshop: Nominalism: A Reassessment, 17-19 September 2012
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2012: What did we learn from two-dimensionalism?, 6-8 July 2012
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2012: Truth, 16-18 June 2012
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2012: Themes from Baxter, 26-28 May 2012
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2012: Moore, Russell and those guys, 28-29 April 2012
- Workshop: Philosophical Modal Logic, 7 October 2011
- Conference: Time and Explanation, 14-17 September 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: The Metaphysics and the Epistemology of Essence and Exemplification, 28-29 August 2011
- Workshop: Properties and Plurals, 27 June 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: Exemplification, 10-11 June 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: Properties, parts and values, 28-29 May 2011
- Workshop: Organic Unities, 26-27 May 2011
- Workshop: Affective Dynamics, 20-21 May 2011
- Workshop: BCN-GVA meeting, 12-13 May 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: Universals and Tropes, 22-23 April 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: Truthmaking, 2-3 April 2011
- Workshop: Metaphysics graduate school 2011: Grounding and determination, 4-5 March 2011
- Workshop: PETAF Workshop, 8-10 December 2010
- Workshop: Science et métaphysique, 26 November 2010
- Workshop: Non-Propositional Intentionality, 13-14 November 2010
- Workshop: Contingentism, 24-26 September 2010
- Workshop: The Metaphysics of Time, 27-28 August 2010
- Workshop: Perceiving and Feeling, 5 July 2010
- Workshop: BCN-GVA meeting, 2-3 June 2010
- Talk: Hugh Mellor, 27 May 2010
- Workshop: Fiction and Imagination, 28-30 April 2010
- Workshop: Grounding, Explanation, and Dependence, 26 March 2010
- Workshop: Perspectivality, 6-8 December 2009
- Workshop: Modality and Time, 17-18 November 2009
- Workshop: SSLPS workshop on Plurals and Plural Quantification, 9-10 October 2009
- Congress: SOPHA09 - congrès triannuel de la Société Francophone de Philosophie Analytique, 2-5 September 2009
- Summer School: Geneva Summer School in the Philosophy of Physics 2009, 5-11 July 2009
- Workshop: Geneva Metaphysics Fest, 30-31 May 2009
- Workshop: Knowledge, 18-19 March 2009
- Workshop: Properties and Relations, 15 December 2008
- Workshop: Time and Time Experience, 17-19 December 2008
- Workshop: Bradley's Regress, 6-7 December 2008
- Workshop: Impossibilities, 2 December 2008
- Workshop: The Metaphysics of Values, 26-27 November 2008
- Crash course: Semantic Relativism, 12-13 November 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 23-24 October 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 4-5 September 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 18-20 August 2008
- Summer School: Geneva Summer School in the Philosophy of Physics 2008, 28 July - 2 August 2008
- Conference: eidos Metaphysics Conference, 15-18 July 2008
- Workshop: Epistemological Internalism, 17-18 June 2008
- Workshop: BCN-GVA meeting, 4-5 June 2008
- Workshop: eidos/sequitur meeting, 29-31 May 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 1-2 May 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting,5-7 March 2008
- Workshop: Because, 15-17 February 2008
- Workshop: Pro*doc meeting, 12-14 February 2008
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 20-22 December 2007
- Workshop: Go Figure -- Va Savoir, 13 December 2007
- Workshop: Structuralism, 29-30 November 2007
- Workshop: The Metaphysics of Vectors, 20-21 October 2007
- Workshop: Imagination, Expression, and Depiction, 4-6 October 2007
- Conference: eidos Launch Conference, 13-15 September 2007
- Workshop: eidos meeting, 11-12 September 2007
- Workshop: First eidos meeting, 13-14 July 2007