
DIRECTORS Fabrice Correia Giovanni Merlo Kevin Mulligan     
MEMBERS Joshua Babic Philipp Blum Paolo Bonardi Alessandro Cecconi  Damiano Costa
Florian Gatignon Vincent Grandjean Salim Hireche Kathrin Koslicki  Valentina Luporini
Marco Marabello Olivier Massin Robert Michels Paolo Natali  Jan Plate
Tim Riedel Maria Scarpati Alexander Skiles Antoine Taillard  Annica Vieser
Jonas Waechter Marcel Weber Christian Wüthrich    
AFFILIATED MEMBERS Francesco Berto Claudio Calosi Corine Besson Alexander Bown Lorenzo Casini
Martin Glazier Stephan Leuenberger Fraser MacBride Sven Rosenkranz  Jan Walker


Fabrice Correia
Full Professor, University of Geneva

Fabrice was appointed professor of analytic philosophy at the University of Geneva in 2017, after spending 5 years as full professor at the University of Neuchâtel. He co-founded eidos, and is a member of the Academia Europaea. His main research interests are in metaphysics, philosophical logic, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of science, epistemology and the philosophy of mind.

Giovanni Merlo
Assistant Professor, University of Geneva

Giovanni Merlo was recently appointed as an assistant professor at the University of Geneva on an SNSF Starting Grant for his project 'Metaphysics We Can Believe In' (2024-29). Prior to that, he was awarded  an SNSF Ambizione Grant in Geneva on his project 'The Privileged Present: from Phenomenology to Metaphysics' (2020-24). Before joining eidos, he held a fellowship at the NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness (2014-15) and worked as a postdoc in Hamburg (2015-17) and Stirling (2017-19). His research focuses on issues in metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of mind and the history of early modern philosophy.

Kevin Mulligan
Full Professor, University of Italian Switzerland and Director of Research, Institute of Philosophical Studies in Lugano

Kevin Mulligan was full professor of analytic philosophy from 1986 to 2016 at the University of Geneva and was appointed professor of philosophy at the University of Italian Switzerland and Director of Research at the Institute of Philosophical Studies in Lugano in 2017. He founded the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, thumos, and co-founded eidos and inbegriff - the Geneva Seminar for Austro-German philosophy, and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters and of the Academia Europaea. He has taught philosophy in Aix, Barcelona, Constance, Dublin, Florence, Freiburg, Hamburg, Innsbruck, Irvine, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Paris, Pennsylvania, Rome, Santiago de Compostela, Sydney, Venice, Trento, Umea and Zurich. He has also supervised the PhD theses of 30 students, many of whom now hold positions in philosophy in several different countries. He has published extensively on analytic metaphysics, the philosophy of mind and Austrian thought from Bolzano to Musil, in particular on ascent, attitudes, certainty, colours, connectives, correctness, dependence, emotions, foolishness, grounds, indexicality, interest, irony, knowledge, meaning something, meanings, norms, properties, perception, poetry, processes, promises, reasons, relations, states of affairs, tropes, truth, truthmakers, wholes and value. His 2012 book Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande (Paris:Vrin) has appeared in Italian and Spanish. In 2016 he published Anatomie della Stoltezza (Milan: Jouvence), in 2021, (with Olivier Massin) Décrire. La Psychologie de Brentano (Paris : Vrin).

Eidos seminar convenor

Lisa Vogt
Postdoc, University of Geneva

Lisa is a postdoctoral researcher in the project "Describing the World" at the University of Geneva. Previously, she has been a lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin and a research fellow at the University of Lucerne. She obtained her PhD from LOGOS, University of Barcelona, with a thesis on the metaphysical foundations of dispositional essentialism. Her main research focus lies in metaphysics, especially at the intersections of metaphysics, logic, and the philosophy of science. The topics she is particularly interested in include modality, essence, grounding, properties, laws of nature, truthmaker-semantics, and mereology. 


Joshua Babic
PhD Student, University of Geneva

Joshua Babic is a PhD student and teaching assistant at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Prof. Fabrice Correia. He has obtained his Bachelor degree in Philosophy from the Institute for Philosophical Studies in Lugano and his Master degree in Philosophy from the University of Geneva. He’s currently participating in a UNIGE-Princeton collaborative research project on the application of logical methods to problems in the philosophy of physics. His main interests are in the realm of logic and metaphysics, the philosophy of physics, and the philosophy of geometry. His doctoral thesis is on supersubstantivalist theories, that is theories whose ontology consists only of spatiotemporal entities.

Philipp Blum
Oberassistent, University of Lucerne

Philipp works mostly in metaphysics. He tries to articulate non-modal theories of essence, supervenience, truthmaking and determination, to understand the nature of representation and to defend the claim that exemplification (the having of properties) is a relation. He is also interested in the reality (or not) of relations, in Descartes and in the metaphysics of the mind. He got his first degree from the University of Berne (2000) and his PhD from the University of Geneva (2007). Philipp is currently "Oberassistent" (maître assistant) at the chair of philosophy of the faculty of theology of the University of Lucerne.

Paolo Bonardi
FWF postdoc, University of Vienna

Paolo Bonardi received his PhD in analytic philosophy of language from the Université de Genève under Kevin Mulligan (main supervisor) and Marco Santambrogio (co-supervisor) in 2012. He visited the Philosophy Departments of the University of Sheffield, New York University, Columbia University, University of California Santa Barbara, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, University of Tokyo and Tokyo Metropolitan University, where he was supervised by Jennifer Saul, Kit Fine, Stephen Schiffer, Nathan Salmon, David Kaplan, Scott Soames, Naoya Fujikawa and Youichi Matsusaka. He taught at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the University of Sheffield, Rowan University, City University of New York, Rutgers University, Université de Genève and Université de Fribourg. He was a fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2022 he was a María Zambrano fellow (Next Generation EU funding grant) at the University of Valencia, hosted by Marc Artiga. From March 2023 he is a Lise Meitner fellow (Austrian Science Fund) at the University of Vienna (local co-applicant Benjamin Schnieder and international collaborator Nathan Salmon). His researches focus on Millian Russellianism, semantic relationism, propositions, attitude reports, mental files, imaginary objects, neo-Meinongianism, singular thoughts and acquaintance.

Alessandro Cecconi
PhD Student, University of Geneva

Alessandro Cecconi is a PhD student at the University of Geneva and a proper part of Fabrice Correia's SNSF project Describing the World. He obtained a BA in Philosophy at Ca' Foscari University. Then, he continued his studies at the MA in Philosophy of the University of Lugano, with a thesis on mereology. His main interests are in metaphysics, the philosophy of science and formal philosophy. He is currently working on truthmakers semantics.

Damiano Costa
Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, USI, Lugano

Damiano Costa works mainly in metaphysics, philosophy of physics and medieval philosophy. He is deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy at USI, where he runs the local Bachelor, Master, and PhD programmes in Philosophy. He currently runs the SNSF Starting Grant “Temporal Existence” (2023-28).

Florian Gatignon
PhD Student, University of Geneva

Florian Gatignon is a PhD student and teaching assistant at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Prof. Fabrice Correia. He works on the philosophy of persistence and its relation to physical questions as well as practical and moral issues. More generally, his interests are in metaphysics and the philosophy of emotions. He completed his BA and MA in Geneva, with a thesis on the value of nostalgia.

Vincent Grandjean
Postdoc, University of Oxford and Lecturer, University of Neuchâtel

Vincent is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford (SNFS Postdoct.Mobility Fellowship), and a lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel. He is mostly interested in the metaphysics of time and the philosophy of science. After completing his studies in Switzerland (University of Neuchâtel) and in France (École Normale Supérieure of Paris), he obtained his PhD from the University of Geneva for his dissertation "The Asymmetric Nature of Time". He is currently working on the relationship between phenomenal time and physical time.

Salim Hireche
Postdoc, University of Geneva

Salim's main research interests are in metaphysics, especially in topics at the intersection of metaphysics and the philosophy of science – causation, laws of nature, explanation, dispositions, modality, essence. He is also interested in (related) issues in philosophical logic, the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind, as well as in (the history of) moral and political philosophy. After completing his PhD dissertation on the metaphysics of modality at the University of Geneva, he spent some time in the UK (Oxford and Glasgow) as an SNF-funded postdoc working on causation and grounding, and he is now pursuing, as a member of the Geneva Symmetry Group, a research project at the frontier between metaphysics and the philosophy of physics.

Kathrin Koslicki
Full Professor, University of Neuchátel

Kathrin Koslicki is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Neuchâtel. Koslicki is originally from Munich, Germany, and moved to the United States when she was twenty. She completed her B.A. in philosophy at SUNY Stony Brook in 1990 and her PhD at MIT in 1995. Prior to moving to Switzerland in 2020, she was Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Epistemology and Metaphysics at the University of Alberta, Canada, and held faculty and visiting positions in many parts of the United States. Koslicki's research interests in philosophy lie mainly in metaphysics, the philosophy of language and ancient Greek philosophy, particularly Aristotle. In her first book, The Structure of Objects (Oxford University Press, 2008), Koslicki defends a neo-Aristotelian, structure-based theory of parts and wholes. In her second book, Form, Matter, Substance, (Oxford University Press, 2018), she continues and further develops her defense of the Aristotelian doctrine of hylomorphism, according to which those entities that fall under it are compounds of matter (hulē) and form (morphē or eidos).

Valentina Luporini
PhD student, Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Geneva

Valentina is currently a PhD student at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) and at the Université de Genève (Unige), under the co-supervision of Mario Piazza and Fabrice Correia. Previously, she obtained her BA at the University of Pisa (Unipi) and her MA at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), where she also worked as Marc Peeters's Assistant Professor. Her previous studies were focused on the main philosophical aspects of Leśniewski's logical systems and early works. Valentina's philosophical interests most prominently include Extentional Mereology, Analytic Metaphysics and Epistemology. She is now working specifically on modality, necessity, essence and grounding.

Marco Marabello
PhD student, University of Neuchâtel

Marco received his BA in Philosophy from the University of Padua (Italy) and his MA in Philosophy from the Università della Svizzera Italiana. As a BA student, he spent one year at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and one semester at Boston University. He is now a doctoral assistant at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Neuchâtel under the supervision of Kathrin Koslicki. He is mostly interested in metaphysics, philosophical logic and the philosophy of science.

Olivier Massin
Full Professor, University of Neuchâtel

Olivier Massin is professor of philosophy at the Institut of Philosophie of the University of Neuchâtel. He received two Phds in philosophy, one from the University of Aix-Marseille and the other one from the University of Geneva. He has been previously research scientist at the Institut Jean Nicod (Paris) and SNF Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Zürich. He has been working on questions such as: what are forces? What are mixtures? What are economic exchanges? What is ownership? What is continuity? What is pleasure? What is suffering? What is pain? What are desires? What are determinables? What are tryings? What are efforts? What is touch?

Robert Michels
FCT Assistant Researcher, LanCog, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon

Robert received a PhD from the University of Geneva, has afterwards been a postdoc there and at USI Lugano and has taught at the Universities of Bern, Geneva, and Neuchâtel. Since 2022, he is a FCT assistant researcher at LanCog at the Centre of Philosophy at the University of Lisbon. His current main interests include indeterminacy, properties, and the laws of nature.

Paolo Natali
Postdoc, University of Geneva

Paolo earned his BA (Classics) and MA (Philosophy) in Pisa. He subsequently earned is PhD (Philosophy) in Geneva, with the dissertation 'Doxa and Its Ontology. Appearances in Plato's Early Dialogues'. His area of specialisation is Ancient philosophy (Plato and Aristotle), but his research interests extend to late-medieval logic and metaphysics, 19th-century Austro-German philosophy (notably Bolzano and Brentano), and contemporary logic, metaphysics, and value theory. He is currently a post-doc researcher for the Geneva-based SNSF research project 'Realisms. Universals, Relations and States of Affairs in the Austro-German and Medieval Traditions'. He has taught courses in logic (MA, Geneva), Ancient philosophy (BA, Neuchâtel), metaphysics and philosophy of mind (BA, Lugano).

Jan Plate
Postdoc, USI

Jan obtained his M.Sc. in cognitive science from the University of Osnabrück in July 2005 and his PhD in philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis in December 2012. After spending the second half of 2013 as a DAAD postdoc at the University of Tübingen, he has worked as a postdoc with Fabrice Correia in Neuchâtel. From 2017 till 2022, he was employed in two other SNF projects at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano.

Tim Riedel
PhD Student, University of Geneva

Tim is a PhD student at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Prof. Christian Wüthrich and Prof. Claudio Calosi. Prior to that, he obtained his MA from the University of Heidelberg and an MSt in Philosophy of Physics from the University of Oxford. He is currently spending most of his time thinking about relativist and perspectival interpretations of quantum mechanics, but is also interested in meta-metaphysics, the semantic paradoxes, and the a priori.

Maria Scarpati
Postdoc, University of Oxford

Maria obtained her PhD at the University of Neuchâtel with the thesis "Haecceitism as a Theory of Individual Essences", under the supervision of Fabrice Correia (main supervisor) and of Olivier Massin. She is currently an associate member of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford and of Oriel College, with Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra as academic sponsor. Her main research interests are in metaphysics, and primarily focus on identity, individuation, modality, and the metaphysics of properties and relations. She is also interested in philosophical logic, Leibniz's philosophy, and the philosophy of language.

Alexander Skiles
Assistant Teaching Professor at Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Alex's research mostly focuses on three topics: (i) non-causal explanation in metaphysics and the sciences, (ii) the metaphysics, epistemology, and logic of identity, essence, and individuation, and (iii) the nature of existence. He is also interested in various logic and metaphysical issues that arise in classical Hindu and Buddhist thought.


Antoine Taillard
PhD Student, University of Neuchâtel

Antoine is a doctoral assistant at the University of Neuchâtel, where he is also writing his PhD dissertation under the supervision of Olivier Massin. He is currently working on Composition as Identity and plural logic, with strong interests in fundamentality, natural properties and reductionism.

Annica Vieser
PhD Student, University of Geneva

Annica is a PhD student at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Baptiste Le Bihan. Before that, she studied philosophy in Leipzig and Nantes and obtained an M.Sc. in logic from the University of Amsterdam. As part of the SNSF project “Space, Time and Causation in Quantum Gravity,” she is currently exploring ways to re-conceptualize causation in the context of physical theories that do not attribute a fundamental status to spacetime. While she is mainly interested in metaphysics and philosophy of physics, she also enjoys thinking about formal mereology and Wittgenstein’s later philosophy.

Jonas Waechter
Postdoc, University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano

Jonas works at the interface between metaphysics, the philosophy of physics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. After obtaining a BA and MA in philosophy from the University of Fribourg and a BSc and MSc in Nuclear Physics from the University of Geneva (at CERN on NA61 experiment/T2K), he obtained a PhD in the philosophy of science at Bristol University in December 2017 under the joint supervision of James Ladyman and Richard Pettigrew. He is now a postdoc within the SNF-funded research project 'Identity in cognitive science, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics' at the Università della Svizzera italiana.

Marcel Weber
Full professor, University of Geneva

Marcel Weber’s research is focused on the philosophy of the life sciences and general philosophy of science. In his teaching, he covers also general epistemology and modern philosophy, especially Kant. Having studied molecular biology and philosophy at the Universities of Basel and Konstanz, Marcel Weber obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Konstanz (1996) and the degree of Habilitation from the Leibniz University Hannover (2002). Before his appointment at Geneva (2011), he has been Swiss National Science Foundation Professor at the University of Basel and Full Professor at the University of Konstanz. He has held visiting appointments at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, the Max Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, the Humboldt-University Berlin, the University of Zurich and the University of California, Irvine. Marcel Weber is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and of the Academia Europaea.

Christian Wüthrich
Associate professor, University of Geneva

Christian's philosophical interests most prominently include foundational issues in physics, particularly in classical general relativity and quantum gravity. Of course, he also gets excited about the implications of philosophy of physicsfor general philosophy of science and metaphysics. More specifically, he enjoys thinking about issues such as space and time, persistence, laws of nature, determinism, and causation.

Affiliated members

Francesco Berto
Professor, University of St Andrews and ILLC, University of Amsterdam

Franz works on logic and metaphysics at Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews, and at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam. In the past he's been doing more or less the same at the University of Aberdeen UK, at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Notre Dame IN-USA, at the Sorbonne-Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, at the University of Italian Switzerland, at the Universities of Padua, Venice, and Milan-San Raffaele in Italy. He has written a number of books and papers on topics ranging from modal metaphysics to non-mainstream metaontology, non-classical logic, non-standard computation, and almost anything deviant in theoretical philosophy. He loves logical paradoxes, impossible worlds, nonexistent objects, and philosophers who don't take themselves too seriously.

Corine Besson
Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex

Corine is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sussex. After earning a BA from the University of Geneva, she received a B.Phil. (2001) and a D.Phil. (2006) from the University of Oxford. She is also the Director of the Centre for Logic and Language (CeLL) at the Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, where she convenes the LEM - Logic, Epistemology and Metaphysics Forum. Corine's principal areas of research are the philosophy of logic, epistemology and the philosophy of language. She has just finished writing a book forthcoming with OUP, Logic, Reasoning, and Carroll's Regress: a Defence of Logical Cognitivism, that is in large part concerned with the relevance of Lewis Carroll's regress argument to the philosophy of logic and the nature of reasoning. Here current work also focuses on the problem of future contingent statements.

Alexander Bown
Associate Professor, University of Oxford

Alex is a Tutorial Fellow at Balliol College and an Associate Professor in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Oxford. Previously, he was a Career Development Fellow at the Queen's College, Oxford, and before that an Assistant at the University of Geneva, where he earned his PhD in 2018. He mainly works in ancient philosophy (especially Hellenistic philosophy and Aristotle), typically on questions concerning logic, language, metaphysics or epistemology, but has broader interests in these areas.

Claudio Calosi
Assistant Professor, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Claudio Calosi (PhD, University of Florence) works mainly in Philosophy of Physics and Metaphysics. He was recently appointed Assistant Professor at the Ca' Foscari University in Venice, after working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva until August 2024. Previously he has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow and Lecturer at Urbino University and Visiting Research Scholar at University of Pittsburgh, University of California at Irvine and New York University. The core of his research concerns the application of formal methods (e.g. mereology, topology, dependence, location, plural logic) to broad philosophical issues such as identity, composition, persistence through time, and fundamentality. Lately he has been doing some work in Philosophy & Literature as well.

Lorenzo Casini
Postdoc, University of Geneva

Lorenzo gained a PhD in philosophy from the University of Kent in 2013. Before graduation, he was visiting fellow at the Tilburg Institute for Logic and Philosophy of Science (2011), and DAAD research grant holder and research fellow in the ANR-DFG project CAUSAPROBA at the University of Konstanz (2012). Before starting a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in the eidos grounding project, he was postdoctoral research fellow at the MCMP, LMU Munich (2013-4). His main research interests lie in the area of the interpretation of causality and explanation in the sciences, with special focus on biology and economics.

Martin Glazier
Assistant Professor, Scripps College

Martin works primarily in metaphysics and the philosophy of science, and he has further research interests in logic, the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of language. He was a member of the SNF research project Describing the World from 2021 to 2023, and before that he held positions at the University of Hamburg, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Stephan Leuenberger
Professor, University of Glasgow

Stephan works mainly at the intersection of metaphysics and philosophical logic. He is currently a co-investigator of the SNF-funded project
"Being without Foundations", and has been a visiting professor at the Università della Svizzera Italiana for the last few years. Before taking up a position at the University in Glasgow in 2008, he was a postdoc at the Australian National University, the University of Leeds, and the University of Geneva (SNF project "Properties and Relations").

Fraser MacBride
Full professor, University of Manchester

Fraser Macbride is the Chair of Logic & Metaphysics at the University of Manchester. He previously held senior positions at the Universities of Cambridge, St. Andrews, Glasgow and Birkbeck College London, as well as being a Director of Arché and a Research Fellow at UCL. He is the author of On the Genealogy of Universals: The Metaphysical Origins of Analytic Philosophy (OUP, 2018) and was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize for his work on metaphysics and the philosophy of mathematics. More recently he has published on the history of late analytic philosophy, focusing upon the philosophy of David Lewis. He is currently working on the existence and nature of relations.

Sven Rosenkranz
Research Professor, ICREA and University of Barcelona

Sven was appointed ICREA Research Professor in 2008, after working at the FU Berlin from 2000 until 2005 and being recipient of a DFG Heisenberg Fellowship from 2005 until 2008. From 2010 until 2013, he coordinated the FP7 ITN on Perspectival Thoughts and Facts and, from 2016 until 2019, the H2020 ETN Diaphora, both funded by the European Commission. Since 2014 he is coordinator of the consolidated research group in analytic philosophy LOGOS. In 2018 he was elected member of the Academia Europaea.

Jan Walker

Jan pursued his PhD studies in logic at the University of Geneva. He also was a member of the Logic and Theory Group in the computer science department at the University of Bern. His PhD thesis was on axiomatic theories of truth.