Contact us
Weekly meetings
Our weekly meetings take place on Tuesdays from 16:15 to 17:45 in Geneva (Uni Philosophes, room PHIL204). Would you like to know more about them? Please contact Lisa Vogt and Annica Vieser.
Visit us
eidos welcomes expressions of interest in visiting the group.
If visiting scholars do not have access to funding from the university or the country of origin, they may consider that private and public Swiss grants are available for foreign academics. Here are some examples:
- Switzerland no longer has the status of an "associate country" in the EU's Horizon Europe scheme. Under some conditions, however, it is still possible to visit eidos using the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme;
- The Swiss National Science Foundation introduced the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships to replace the Maria Skłodowska-Curie actions for people of all nationalities. This funding scheme offers applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months;
- The SNSF also has a funding scheme dedicated to fund international short visits of internationally recognized experts in any field called Scientific Exchanges;
- The Swiss Government awards various postgraduate scholarships called “Swiss Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars”;
- ThinkSwiss offers exchange programs for Canadian and US students.