
eidos, the Centre for Metaphysics, was founded in 2007 by Fabrice Correia and Kevin Mulligan, with the invaluable help of Philipp Blum, and has been since then directed by its founders, now joined by Giovanni Merlo. Based in Geneva since its inception, it had a branch in Neuchâtel from August 2012 to July 2017, and it has a new branch in Lugano. eidos encourages collaboration with other fields, disciplines and universities.

Next meeting

  • Alessandro Cecconi, 1 April 2025, 16:15, PHIL204, Geneva

Next events

  • Workshop: Locating Parts and Wholes, 30 May, Geneva
  • CUSO Workshop: Thought Experiments and Philosophy, 16-17 June, Geneva
  • Workshop: The First Person, 18-20 June, Geneva
  • SSLPS Workshop 2025: Individuality, Composition, and Persistence. Synchronic and Diachronic Relations in Living Beings, 1-2 or 8-9 September (TBC), Geneva